DocuSource Visual Communications / Tampa Bay Lightning Partnership: News Release

For Immediate Release: August 31, 2010
Media Contacts: Ben Delanoy

DocuSource Visual Communications of Tampa, FL. and the Tampa Bay Lightning today announced a new partnership for the 2010-2011 season.  The Lightning named DocuSource Visual Communications as their Preferred Print and Signage Partner, and the two organizations will kick off a season-long promotional campaign.  The agreement, effective immediately, creates a partnership between two organizations for visual communications that shares a vision to extend their reach throughout the Tampa Bay region.

“We feel that the partnership with the Tampa Bay Lightning creates a great synergy with DocuSource” stated DocuSource owner Travis Masters, “The Lightning, their partners, and their community initiatives strongly mirror what DocuSource represents as a company.”

Throughout the season, DocuSource Visual Communications will feature the opportunity to win unique Lightning prizes and experiences, both in-store and online, to interact with fans for game day, both home and away.  The partnership includes DocuSource’s active participation and presence at hockey games and DocuSource will be featured through multiple media channels, to include internet as well as other advertising and event assets, including the St. Pete Time Forum.

About DocuSource Visual Communications

DocuSource, founded in 1988, has built strong roots in the visual communications industry. DocuSource is a one stop solution for the visual communications companies need to get noticed in a busy world. Utilizing the latest technology, DocuSource offers a wide variety of valuable products and services to meet your business and professional needs. For more information,  visit  

About Tampa Bay Lightning

Entering their 18th year of existence, the Lightning have reached the NHL playoffs five times with one Stanley Cup Championship. Under new GM Steve Yzerman and head coach Guy Boucher, the Lightning are embarking on another run to the Cup during the 2010-11 season. For more information, visit

Google’s Realtime Search Update Does What Twitter Won’t

Realtime Search combs Twitter and Facebook for public status updates. Google introduced the tool in December, sticking it in a sidebar under the category “Updates,” but Realtime Search is now rolling out to as well. (For now, you can experiment with the new features here.)

The most important new feature of Realtime Search, I think, is geographic filtering of status updates. By whittling down Twitter posts to your city or Zip code, you can find out, for example, whether there are any upcoming concerts worth seeing. Apparently, an 11-piece Kenyan band is playing a free show tonight, a few miles from my apartment. I’m not sure why Twitter, which turned on location-sharing in March, doesn’t have a similar feature.

If you want these kinds of updates delivered to you, without pro-actively searching for them, Google now allows you receive status updates through Google Alerts, by selecting “Updates” from the “Type” drop-down menu. Either 10 or 50 results can be sent once per day, once per week or as they happen. This could be useful for a search term like “free food,” which might not come up regularly in your area, but would be worth knowing about when it happens. Just one snag: You can’t filter these results by geography, so your best bet for local results is to add the name of your area as a search term.

The last addition to Realtime Search is conversation view, which lets you see all the replies to a single status update. I like the intent here, but this is the one feature that Twitter should add to its own website. Some third-party programs already do this — Tweetdeck, for instance, can display all replies as one chronological thread — but trying to read a conversation on Twitter itself is like falling down a rabbit hole.

I don’t think Google’s trying to push Realtime Search into the mainstream with these changes. If that was the intent, status updates would be moved up in regular search results, not moved out to their own URL. Realtime Search is a tool for power users. Keep it in mind next time you’re looking for the nearest taco truck.

Source: Reuters

Interview with DocuSource’s Keri Halverson

This past week, we sat down with DocuSource’s Keri Halverson, an integral part of Team DS140:

BD: How long have you been  working at DocuSource Visual Communications?

KH: I knew you were going to ask me that, I actually had to look this one up. I’ve been with DS since January, 2005, wow – time really flies…

BD: What is your official role?

KH: Within DS I have many roles most notably Design, Preflight, Production, Project Management, …I also am our resident IT department. With the robust amount of technology here I’m constantly upgrading or troubleshooting this or that. I figure I’m pretty good at it too because I have  as of yet to actually roll any piece of equipment onto Kennedy Blvd. (tongue in cheek)

BD: What is your professional background?

KH: I actually trained in multimedia production and even designed my own program at the University of MN, in those days these new fangled computer thingies didn’t really have a strong enough marketplace purpose for multi-media design degree programs. With that behind me, I actually worked in Cable Access television.

Later I discovered that to me this whole print thing was actually a more realistic career with more opportunities and came pretty easy to me. I got my feet wet as I worked at a “not to be named multi-billion-dollar-international corporation that has its’ corporate headquarters in Ventura CA”. Funny tie-in, I actually ended up doing some video work of the founder of the company too. There I did a lot of similar things I do now including the IT part including leading computer training for clients. This was in the Midwest region, where the corporate climate of that co. was completely different than in FL. Thus, I lost interest after transferring to Sarasota. Then I went on to do multi-media development for the marketing side of an architectural firm where we primarily created walkthrough tour DVDs and kiosks of high end model homes. Then I moved to Tampa found DocuSource and as they say the rest is history….

BD: You do a lot of graphic design and layout work……what software do you use at DocuSource to create?

KH: MS Paint. (joking)

BD: You are using the Adobe CS5 Suite….what are your thoughts?

KH: Ok, you got me, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen MS Paint. I’m still learning a lot about the new features as I jumped from CS2 right to CS5. I can’t wait until I have my hindsight to compare what I used to do. I could go on and on about technical specs., but I’m most excited about the tie in I now have between print and web media in one suite….. finally.

BD: What do you enjoy most about your job?

KH: I really enjoy the variety of projects we see come and go here. It doesn’t get a chance to become passé or boring, that’s for sure. With our mix of employee backgrounds here we come up with some interesting solutions to some really creative projects.

BD: What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you while working at DocuSource?

KH: What pops into mind is the time that David (DJ) pulled a pretty good one on me. Knowing that I can’t stand it when paper clips tend to all clip to each other (slows me down by 2 seconds), one night he took home a box of paper clips knowing my cup was getting low, and clipped them together. Not too obvious just two or three in a strand… When I went for one, then the next, and next, and next I was pretty amazed that there wasn’t a single flippin’ clip that wasn’t attached to another. David and Martha roared over that as I stood puzzled for a moment.

BD: What are some of the most notable projects that you’ve worked on (that you can remember)?

KH: Well, as anyone; sure I love it when our local big name players need my help, but I also get great satisfaction for the computer illiterate grandma having her technical project go off with out a hitch. But these days I’m actually most excited about helping the recent redevelopment of DocuSource’s own brand.

BD: DocuSource Visual Communications recently changed ownership…..what are your thoughts on the change?

KH: I could go on and on about the positive direction I see this company taking – daily. But I can summarize by simply stating that I feel that taking this company to the next level is truly great for all of us.

BD: DocuSource is rapidly evolving as a company, what is your take….and what do you foresee?

KH: My impression is that we’re really going to take off, and I am really psyched to get the opportunity to utilize my skills and work in more mediums, expanding our capabilities and saying “YES” to nearly everything that throws itself our creative direction. Bring it on!

BD: Work aside, what do you do in your off-time?

KH: I actually am one of the busiest people I know devoted to like a zillion hobbies. I’m actually an amateur musician in several genres, woodcrafter, and photographer. Along with my self directed perpetual computer training, I’m amazed I get anything done being such a “jack of all trades”.

DocuSource In The Arts

DocuSource Visual Communications is proud to announce our new patronage of the New Tampa Players.  The New Tampa Players was formed by a group of talented and experienced people to establish a community theatre group in the New Tampa area The New Tampa Players’ focus is to provide its members the opportunity to participate in the exciting process of bringing the best in dramatic and musical productions to the stage.

With years of experience behind them, The New Tampa Players offer their audiences the words and emotions of the great plays, the songs and exuberance of the great musicals and the opportunity to step through the Theatre Curtain to become a part of the creation process whether it’s in the spotlight or behind it.

Arts programs are essential in the community, this is why DocuSource has lent its services to the New Tampa Players. The arts, especially acting, hone a person’s abilities to develop problem solving skills, creativity, cooperative approaches, persistence, and responsibility, which are essential tools we at DocuSource use every day to enhance our client’s businesses.

To learn more about the New Tampa Players and their productions and schedule of events, please visit .

DocuSource Funny Sign Contest

DocuSource Visual Communications introduces our Facebook Funny Sign Contest. Rules are simple…post a funny photo of a sign that you have taken on your travels or one you found while surfing the net to our wall and you are entered to win one of three $50.00 Gift Certificates to Hattrick’s Sports Bar in Downtown Tampa. Post as many photos as you like and increase your chances at winning! Photos may be in color or black-and-white, but may not be Photoshopped, contain any foul language or any other adult related content. Photos become property of DocuSource Visual Communications, which may edit, publish, distribute or republish them in any form. No purchase necessary. Contest begins today and runs through  August 31st, so start searching and upload your photos today for your chance to win!!!! Become a fan of DocuSource Visual Communications on Facebook at .

Social Media Services

Everyone has heard of Social Media. You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about Twitter, Facebook, or Blogs. Many businesses understand that they should participate in social media and understand the benefits, however with so little time, it’s hard manage by yourself or with so little manpower. That’s where DocuSource steps in! We can create, manage, and market your social network for you!

 The fundamental difference between Social Media Marketing/Advertising rand traditional advertising is the ability to interact with your clients. This factor allows you to increase your brand awareness and help build a consumer relationship for your business online. By adding social media into your marketing campaign, you are adding a personal dynamic that reaches your audience that is inaccessible any other way. 

Our Social Media Services:

We help you get your message across to your clients and customers with professionalism, simplicity, and ease of use. We design online solutions to help you succeed and grow, and to find, reach, and communicate with your fans, clients, and customers.

Let us help you with all your social network management needs so you can focus on what really counts …. your business and your life!

–          Social Media Management

–          Social Media Campaigns

–          Business Blogs

–          Blog Management & Creative Writing

–          Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, MySpace, & LinkedIn Services

–          Identifying your target market and goals

–          Communicating social media logistics (when, where, what content)

–          Researching, creating, and communicating network and blog content through your social network

–          Monitoring your social media accounts

–          Responding to inquiries, posts, and interactions on your behalf

–          Creating press and web releases for announcements and engagement

Contact us for more information at .

DocuSource Gives Back to the Community

DocuSource’s Travis and Jina Masters receive mention in the Summer 2010 Edition of the Trinity Cafe Newsletter. Travis and Jina are frequent volunteers at the Tampa based Trinity Cafe, which provides hot meals for the homeless and needy:

“Same Kind of Different As Me” is a true story about a homeless man and couple whose relationship radically changed their lives. It’s a hard-core look at street living. It’s also a testament to the power of friendship, faith and love. This book wil cause you to pause….and reconsider everything you think about life….about yourself.

One of the lessons this book – and there are many – is that homeless folks worry that they are different from other people – different from the volunteers that serve them and even different from other homeless people.

They are concerned that we won’t connect or have anything in common. And, frankly, many of us worry about that too. It’s why we are reluctant sometimes to sit and make converstaion – to invest in our guests.

Only by taking the time to listen can you discover that most people started off in life much the same. Everyone has a history – parents, families, likes, dislikes – we’re all just regular folks traveling down a path that has been laid out in front of us.

And sometimes people get thrown off track by tragedy and circumstances beyond their control. Programs, like ours, help. The food sustains guests but really it’s only love that will cause someone to want to make a change in his or her life. And, that’s the most important part of what Trinity Cafe does – offering conversation, love and nourishment of the soul. The reality is that everyone is different – the same kind of different. Don’t be afraid to reach out and infect others with love!

Volunteers, Travis and Jina Masters, donated several copies of this book for door prizes at our recent Volunteer Appreciation Brunch. They were so moved by the lessons and messages in this story, that they wanted others to have the opportunity to read it too.

Posted on the Trinity Cafe bulletin board is a “reading list.” If you would like to read the book, post your name on the list. Once someone finishes the book it will be passed on to the next person on the reading list. We are “paying this book forward!” Put your name inside the book cover before you pass it along to the next reader. Eventually it will be returned to the orginal door prize winner! it is a gift that will keep giving – giving lessons, giving inspiration!