DIY Business Cards…Not So Much

Everyone knows that business cards are a great marketing and networking tool. But business cards can be for more than just introductions. They can serve as an advertisement for your company, a reminder for the recipient to call you if they need any of your products. With that in mind, do you really want to print your own business cards.

Quality is perhaps the biggest issue when you print business cards yourself. Although the resources needed to make your own business card – that is, the layout software and the printer – are already easily available, there are still some issues with the quality. The business card stock (paper quality) is the biggest hurdle to overcome. Most residential printers do not allow for a thick card stock to pass through the printer. Thus, leaving you the only option of using a flimsy card stock. Next, most residential printers will not print legibly on a gloss or semi-gloss card stock, therefore limiting the overall desired look and feel of the business  card.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of letting professionals print business cards for you is the time you will save. Instead of  having to spend hours laboring over the format and the layout of your business card and worrying about the finished product, you can just take a few minutes to give your details to DocuSource and let us do the rest.

What Is Digg?

Digg is a social bookmarking site which makes it easy to make links to your articles, or sites. When a page on Digg has many “Diggs”, it is included in the top news section, which everyone on Digg can see.

So how do you use Digg? Through Digg, you submit breaking news articles, blogs, or press releases which accumulate followers who “digg” your articles.  Through this process you build a great amount of “link weight” and traffic which builds more page views to your articles. “Link weight” is the main reason why you want to build back-links from social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious etc. 

Link weight is the weight that Google gives, (or the value), for a link to your site from another. Some sites are considered quality sites, where a lot of quality sites link together…. such as Wikipedia; and some sites are not given the same quality rating. It is not entirely clear if there is some human decision making that goes into this at Google, but mostly, it is based on their link weight algorithm.

In order to build a good Google rating you have to create keyword rich content which can be discovered in a web search. Then, you need to somehow generate links from sites with a very good score, so that they pass on their link weight to you, and get you on the first page of a search. This is easier said than done.

To maximize your posts and increase link weight through Digg, takes time and effort. This requires building a following and establishing a user/customer base which “Digg” your articles on a continual basis. To learn more about utilizing Digg for your business, contact DocuSource Visual Communications.