QR Codes…Scan & Go!

QR Codes or (Quick Response Codes) are digitized codes of content-rich embedded content such as Website URLs, Personal or Business Data, Wi-Fi Codes, Special Promotions, or any text that you want relayed into a encrypted message. QR Codes are “read” through QR Code Reader Applications that can be downloaded on your smart phone. Simply hold the smart phone over the code and either scan or take a photo of the QR Code (depending on the application), and you will be redirected to the information available in each code. 

Originating in Japan, where they have been in use for over 2 years, QR Codes have been a staple of the Japanese marketing culture and can be found on almost every product and advertisement on the market. Slowly making their way into the mainstream here in the U.S., the QR Code has been displayed on major advertising campaigns by Wal-Mart, Calvin Klein and Target to name a few. Subsequently, businesses are now clamoring to engage their existing and prospective customers with the excitement and unlimited potential that QR Codes provide.

At DocuSource, we can generate your business data into QR Codes, and incorporate them into your marketing materials…

  • On business cards: A fast and simple way to use QR Codes for your own professional purposes is to place them on business cards. Generate a QR Code that directs scanners to your online resume, small business Facebook Page or your website to help new contacts find you or your business faster.
  • On marketing materials: QR Codes can be implemented into flyers, brochures, programs, handouts, letterheads, media kits and anything in your marketing campaign. Add QR codes to direct viewers to a particular how-to video on YouTube, send them to a Flickr photo set, get them to follow you on Twitter, or point them to a mobile-friendly web site landing page that promotes a new campaign.
  • For Promotions: If you really want people to pay attention to your QR codes, make them good for promoting coupons or discounts. Simply have DocuSource create a custom QR code for the promotion you want to offer.

DocuSource offers unique QR Code generation and we are constantly keeping our clients abreast of the latest technology to enhance business marketing initiatives. Contact us today to put QR Codes to work for your business!

About docusource
Docusource is a one stop solution for the visual communications your company needs to get noticed in a busy world. Utilizing the latest technology, we offer a wide variety of valuable products and services to meet your business and professional needs.

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